Ellen Ditria

  • Posted by Tom Rayner
  • On December 11, 2018
Honours candidate studying multiple stressors in coastal wetlands.
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Tyler Hofmann

  • Posted by Tom Rayner
  • On August 27, 2018
Field, lab and admin support for the GLOW program.
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Yota Harada

  • Posted by Tom Rayner
  • On August 27, 2018
Food-web consequences of the world’s largest mangrove forest die-off.
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Kristin Jinks

  • Posted by Tom Rayner
  • On August 27, 2018
Valuing seagrass ecosystems of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area – their role in food webs.
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Alyssa Giffin

  • Posted by Tom Rayner
  • On August 27, 2018
Coral-seagrass connections for fisheries and their role in Ecosystem Based Adaptation.
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Dale Bryan-Brown

  • Posted by Tom Rayner
  • On August 27, 2018
Marine connectivity and dispersal in habitat-forming species.
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Laura Griffiths

  • Posted by Tom Rayner
  • On August 27, 2018
Managing vulnerable coastal environments for interactions among multiple threats.
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