GLOW @ #ICCB2019
- Posted by Tom Rayner
- On July 22, 2019
The Global Wetlands Project team is heading to ICCB in Malaysia and it’s going to be a busy week. We’ll deliver three talks, including two in a GLOW-hosted session on Emerging issues for the global conservation of marine and freshwater wetlands.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative: conservation implications for marine species and coastal habitats
Dr Mischa Turschwell will talk about the global impact of China’s major development program on coastal wetland habitats.
Meeting room 408-409, Level 4, 1430 – 1600 Tuesday 23rd
Remote estimation of the seagrass light environment for improved coastal management
Dr Ryan Pearson will highlight a new model allowing prediction of light levels in seagrass beds from remote data, and discuss applications for coastal management.
Meeting room 408-409, Level 4, 1600 – 1730 Tuesday 23rd
The role of vegetated coastal wetlands for marine megafauna conservation
Dr Michael Sievers will present results from his latest paper in TREE, reviewing the importance of mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and saltmarshes for large marine animals.
Plenary Theatre, Level 3, 1145 – 1315 Thursday 25th