Global Mangrove Alliance: The State of the Worlds Mangrove’s report
- Posted by Natasha Watson
- On July 26, 2021
The Global Mangrove Alliance have released their inaugural report, The State of the World’s Mangroves, a compilation of the most current information available on what we know about mangrove forests and what’s being done to reverse the downward trends impacting the forests and the local communities who depend on them.
This publication represents a remarkable synthesis, The Global Wetlands Project (GLOW) team are proud to be part of the 100 authors from around the world who have come together to share cutting edge science and compelling stories. The report not only maps where mangroves are under threat but also how we can create a better future for mangroves and ourselves.
The report highlights:
- Humans are responsible for over 60% of mangrove loss. Primary causes include conversion to farmland, agriculture and/ or urbanisation.
- Around 42% of all remaining mangroves exist in designated protected areas.
- 341 threatened species depend on mangrove habitat.
- Some 4.1 million small-scale fishers depend on mangroves.
- Mangroves prevent more than $65 billion in property damages from storms and reduce flood risk to some 15 million people every year.
- Mangroves are the most efficient carbon capture and storage systems on the planet. They currently store carbon that’s equivalent to over 21 billion tons of CO2.
GLOW is proud to be a member of the Global Mangrove Alliance, as one of the three global research providers, who share the twin goals of restoring and recovering 50% of recent mangrove loss and doubling the area of mangroves under effective and equitable protection and management.